
SHJK are the initials and name of the musical project belonging to Scott H. J. Kelloway, a mildly misanthropic self-taught multi-instrumentalist and urban recluse living in the West End of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, North East of England. SHJK writes and produces his own music utilising a small home studio and a lot of determination from a small room within a terrace house. SHJK periodically releases his songs via his website ( http://www.shjk.co.uk ) and via his Myspace page also ( http://www.myspace.com/shjk ). For the most up to date information regarding SHJK's music (and to perhaps even be so bold as to just to say 'Hello'), please refer to the SHJK recording blog ( http://www.shjk.co.uk/blog ) where recording methods, lyrics, photos, audio and occasional video content can be found.

My sincerest thanks to those whom have expressed an interest in my music. Your sentiments are appreciated.